bestp2ecrypto|农林牧渔行业周报:农产品研究跟踪系列报告(107):生猪价格震荡调整 关注后续南方降雨对非瘟防控影响

Date: 5个月前 (05-06)View: 55Comments: 0

Weekly agricultural product price tracking: pig price is slightly adjustedBestp2ecryptoIt is optimistic that the economy will rise in the second half of the year. Live pigs: commodity pig prices and piglet prices fell month-on-month this week. April 30 live pig price 14Bestp2ecrypto.82 yuan / kg, down 1.53% month-on-month; April 26, 7kg piglets 559.05 yuan, down 1.76%; eliminated sows 10.59 yuan / kg, up 3.22%. White chicken: short-term off-season pressure appears, medium-and long-term supply is adequate. On April 26, the price of chicken seedlings was 3.07 yuan per feather, down 11.01 percent from the previous month; the price of hairy chickens was 7.83 yuan per kilogram, down 2.49 percent from the previous month. Yellow chicken: supply remains at the bottom and prices are suppressed by demand. The price of Qingxiao chicken was 5.36 yuan / jin on April 30, which dropped slightly from the previous month. Eggs: the filler is not light in the off-season, and the supply pressure is still high in the medium term. On April 30, the price of eggs in the main producing areas was 3.34 yuan per jin, up 0.30% from the previous month and down 37.10% from the same period last year. Soybean, soybean meal: supply loose gradually become a trend, medium-term disk concussion downward. On April 26, the spot price of soybeans was 4357 yuan / ton, down 0.10% from the previous month. On May 3, the spot price of soybean meal was 3340 yuan / ton, down 0.12% from the previous month: new grain confirmed to increase production, and short-term storage is expected to support the bottom. On April 30, the spot price of domestic corn was 2324 yuan / ton, down 0.98% from the same period last week and 15.89% from the same period last year. White sugar: short-term negative release is full, medium-term attention to the weather in the producing area. On April 30, the spot price of sugar in Nanning, Guangxi, was 6460 yuan / ton, down 0.31% from the previous week. Rubber: short-term weak supply and strong demand, the price bottom is not pessimistic. On April 30, the spot price of No. 20 glue in Shanghai was 11515 yuan / ton, down 1.03% from the previous month and up 20.32% from the same period last year. Core point of view: optimistic about the layout of aquaculture, pay attention to seed transgenic catalysis. 1) Pig farming: pig prices are not weak in the off-season, and are optimistic about the uptrend of the plate in the second half of the year. 2) Yellow chicken: the production capacity has dropped in the early stage, and it is expected to resonate synchronously with the reversal of pig prices in the future. 3) White chicken: sufficient supply in the medium term, which is expected to start a high boom with the reversal of pig prices. 4) Animal protection: pay attention to the research and development of new products such as non-plague vaccine and pet vaccine. 5) Meat products: pig prices are at the bottom of the cycle this year, and are optimistic about Shuanghui's upward development performance and high dividends. 6) Feed and pets: feed will be concentrated to technical service enterprises, and the core is optimistic about Haida Group. Pet sector export performance is better, or ushered in a better opportunity. 7) planting chain: the commercialization of genetically modified genes has landed, and it is optimistic that the technology leading seed enterprises will usher in a golden period of growth. Sugar market short-term marginal supply is strong and demand is weak, optimistic about medium-term fundamentals. Investment advice: recommended breeding. 1) Pig recommendation: Huatong shares, superstar farming and animal husbandry, Tang Renshen, Xinwufeng, Tiankang Biology, Jingji Zhinong, Shennong Group, Wen shares, Mouyuan shares, etc.; 2) Poultry recommendation: Lihua shares, probiotics shares, Shennong Development, etc.; 3) Meat products recommendation: Shuanghui Development; 4) seed Industry recommendation: Fengle seed Industry, Longping Hi-Tech, Dabei Nong, Denghai seed Industry, etc. 5) Animal protection recommendation: pre-science biology, Huisheng biology, Guobang medicine, etc.; 6) feed recommendation: Haida Group, etc. Risk tips: uncertain risks caused by bad weather; potential risks caused by uncontrollable animal outbreaks. [disclaimer] this article only represents the views of a third party and does not represent the position of Hexun. Investors operate accordingly, at their own risk.

[disclaimer] this article only represents the views of a third party and does not represent the position of Hexun. Investors operate accordingly, at their own risk.

bestp2ecrypto|农林牧渔行业周报:农产品研究跟踪系列报告(107):生猪价格震荡调整 关注后续南方降雨对非瘟防控影响


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