realslots| Baidu: Closed-source large model + public cloud has become the mainstream trend in the global AI market

Date: 4个月前 (05-15)View: 56Comments: 0

todayrealslots, Baidu issued an announcement sayingrealslots: In the past few days, many domestic and foreign manufacturers have successively released the latest progress and related applications of large models. We are very happy to see that "closed-source large models + public clouds" have become the mainstream trend in the global AI market. "Closed-source large model + public cloud" can achieve a comprehensive effect of better performance and lower cost than the open source large model, and thereby promote the prosperity of the AI application ecosystem.

realslots| Baidu: Closed-source large model + public cloud has become the mainstream trend in the global AI market

Wenxin Model has processed 249 billion Tokens texts per day. Using a large model should not only look at the price, but also at the comprehensive effect. Only by making AI application more effective, faster response speed, and wider distribution channels can people truly feel the convenience that AI brings to social production.

Baidu is working hard to promote the development of the AI application ecosystem represented by agents, and the distribution volume of agents has reached millions of times per day. As more developers and partners join, the advantages of "closed-source model + public cloud" will be further highlighted. We believe that the era when "everyone is a developer" has arrived.


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