freecandycrushnodownload| Shenhao Technology: The price of convertible bonds is adjusted to 33.71 yuan/share

Date: 4个月前 (05-16)View: 53Comments: 0

Every AI newsletterfreecandycrushnodownload, Shenhao Technology (SZ 300853, closing price: 15freecandycrushnodownload.9 yuan) An announcement was issued on the evening of May 16 stating that the bond is simply referred to as Shenhao Convertible Bonds; the bond code is 123142; the conversion price of "Shenhao Convertible Bonds" before adjustment is 33.91 yuan/share; the conversion price of "Shenhao Convertible Bonds" after adjustment is 33.71 yuan/share; the effective date of the adjustment of the conversion price is May 23, 2024.

From January to December 2023, Shenhao Technology's operating income is composed of: General Equipment Manufacturing (C34) accounted for 100.0%.

As of press time, the market value of Shenhao Technology is 2.3 billion yuan.

Daoda1997 "Stock Trend" reminder:

1. In the past 30 days, a number of institutions have conducted research on Shenhao Technology, and the total number of institutions surveyed is 30.

Every headline (nbdtoutiao)-The search website was shut down for one day and then resumed. The mobile phone numbers of many well-known entrepreneurs have been deleted, and the customer service said they will not accept business.

(Reporter Zeng Jianhui)

Disclaimer: The content and data of this article are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice. Please verify before using. Operate accordingly and bear the risks at your own risk.

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freecandycrushnodownload| Shenhao Technology: The price of convertible bonds is adjusted to 33.71 yuan/share


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