playdeuceswildvideopoker|零跑C11 SUV自燃事件再现,电池安全问题引关注

Date: 5个月前 (04-11)View: 64Comments: 0

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April eleventhPlaydeuceswildvideopokerA zero-running C11 SUV caught fire by the side of the road in Zhaoqing, Guangdong, and the battery was likely to ignite spontaneously. There has been a similar incident in January this year, zero running customer service reminded to ensure security after contacting the service center.

Text of news flash

The zero-running car SUV caught fire by the side of the road, and the battery is likely to ignite spontaneously.

On April 11, a zero-running C11 SUV caught fire when it was parked on Tanggang Road, Duanzhou, Zhaoqing, Guangdong. The local fire department dispatched quickly and successfully put out the fire.

According to video posted on the Internet, the bottom of the zero run C11 first smoked, then exploded and caught fire. Fire department wiring staff said that the cause of the accident remains to be investigated, but does not rule out the possibility of battery spontaneous combustion.

Zero running customer service said that batteries are guaranteed when they leave the factory. If there is a fire due to chassis bumps and other reasons, it is recommended to ensure personal safety before contacting the service center for further investigation.

It is worth noting that in January this year, there was also a zero run C11 spontaneous combustion incident. However, Zero has said there has been no spontaneous combustion of its products since 2022.

playdeuceswildvideopoker|零跑C11 SUV自燃事件再现,电池安全问题引关注

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