crashnitrokart| Politburo meeting held, China sends out strong reform signal again

Date: 5个月前 (05-01)View: 52Comments: 0

Source: China News Service

Once again, China has released a strongCrashnitrokartA signal of reform.

The political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on 30 April and decided to hold the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of Communist Party of China in Beijing in July this year. The main agenda is that the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee will report its work to the Central Committee, focusing on further deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting.

Reform and opening up has always been regarded as a key move to determine the fate of contemporary China. In his speech celebrating the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, Xi Jinping pointed out that "reform and opening up is an important magic weapon for the party and the people to make great strides to catch up with the times." This point of view was emphasized again at this meeting. Looking at the present and the future, the necessity for China to promote reform continues unabated.

In the face of numerous and complicated international and domestic situations, we must continue to push forward the reform.

This necessity can be seen from the start of China's economy this year. In the first quarter, China's economic growth exceeded expectations, but the sustained recovery of the economy still faces many challenges, mainly due to the lack of effective demand, the greater pressure on enterprises, the hidden dangers in key areas, and the unsmooth domestic cycle. the complexity, severity and uncertainty of the external environment have increased significantly.

However, China's economy is good at meeting challenges and increasing vitality in the course of reform. Taking the reform of the economic system as an example, over the past 10 years of comprehensively deepening the reform, the socialist market economic system has become more mature and stereotyped, the construction of a high-standard market system has been steadily advanced, and the system and mechanism of market-oriented allocation of factors has become more perfect. The formation of a unified national market has been accelerated.Crashnitrokart. The reform progress bar that continues to move forward hedges the risk pressure and releases the momentum of growth.

"develop a problem and make a reform." Guo Liyan, deputy director of the Institute of Economics of the China Macroeconomic Academy, told the China News Service that the problems encountered in the process of promoting high-quality development need to be cured. China seeks a permanent cure through deepening reform, accelerates a series of major economic structural reforms, and continues to remove a number of institutional obstacles, which is conducive to promoting the continuous accumulation of vivid energy, especially new kinetic energy, in development. to deal with external uncertainty with its own maximum certainty.

In the face of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial changes, we must continue to push forward the reform.

From the industrial revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries to the information technology revolution in the 20th century, and then to the new scientific and technological revolution in the 21st century, every scientific and technological revolution and industrial change in history have pressed the "acceleration key" for the development of human society. To make great strides to catch up with the times, we need to be led by the innovation of the concept of development to create advanced productive forces.

At present, China has a major characteristic, the more high-tech, high-efficiency, high-quality industries, the more eye-catching the performance. Behind this, the new quality productive forces, which are in line with the characteristics of new development concepts such as innovation, green and openness, are constantly growing and building advantages.

"promoting the accelerated development of new quality productive forces is not only a development proposition but also a reform proposition." Peng Sen, director of the China Economic system Reform Research Association, believes that it is necessary to further deepen the market-oriented reform and form a new type of production relations suited to it.

The basic connotation of the new quality productivity is the jump of labourers, labor materials, labor objects and their optimal combination. Peng Sen believes that only by adhering to the direction of market-oriented reform, paying close attention to the establishment of a high-standard market system, and innovating the allocation of factors of production, can all kinds of advanced and high-quality productive forces flow smoothly to the development of new-quality productive forces. we will promote China's economy to achieve high-quality development and long-term and stable growth.

In the face of the new expectations of the people, we must also continue to push forward the reform.

crashnitrokart| Politburo meeting held, China sends out strong reform signal again

China has always regarded safeguarding and realizing the fundamental interests of the people and promoting people's livelihood and well-being as the starting point and foothold of reform and opening up.

The proportion of medical insurance reimbursement on the drug bill is higher, the choice of high-quality old-age care services is more, and the public fitness facilities in the streets are more abundant. What the people care about and look forward to, the reform will focus on and promote. It is the subtle changes in daily life that vividly record the improvement of Chinese people's sense of achievement, happiness and sense of security.

There is no end to ensuring and improving people's livelihood, only a continuous new starting point. Guo Liyan pointed out that China's economic recovery to a good foundation has been continuously consolidated, the industrial structure and demand structure are being optimized and upgraded, the people have more new expectations for economic and social development, especially a better life, and reform should respond to the voices and aspirations of the people in a timely manner. take the satisfaction of enterprises and the public as the yardstick, introduce and optimize reform measures.

The meeting reaffirmed that further and comprehensively deepening reform should "take the promotion of social fairness and justice and the well-being of the people as the starting point and goal." The subjectivity of the people in China's new round of reform is expected to continue to be strengthened.


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