seagamessoccer|美股异动 | 维珍银河(SPCE.US)涨超11.5% 其Delta级太空飞机地面测试设施开始运作

Date: 5个月前 (05-06)View: 49Comments: 0

Zhitong Finance learnedseagamessoccer, Monday, Virgin Galactic (SPCEseagamessoccer.US) shares rose, rising more than 11.5% at US$1.058 as of press time. The company's Delta-class space plane ground test facility is operational.

The flight window for Virgin Galactic's seventh commercial space mission,"Galactic 07", will arrive on June 8, 2024. At that time, Virgin Galactic will use its reusable space plane VSS Unity to send tourists to space about 54 miles above Earth, allowing passengers to experience weightlessness and witness the vastness of space.

It is reported that none of the tourists were named. Three of them were private astronauts from New York, California and Italy. There was also a bioaerospace researcher who was said to be conducting research related to the human body during the space flight.

seagamessoccer|美股异动 | 维珍银河(SPCE.US)涨超11.5% 其Delta级太空飞机地面测试设施开始运作


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