cactuspetesresortcasino| In addition to planting grass, bullet screens, and live broadcasts, where is the next new growth point for information consumption?

Date: 4个月前 (05-17)View: 60Comments: 0

Interface News reporter | Huang Jingyuan

Interface News Editor | Peng Peng

May seventeenthCactuspetesresortcasinoFor a period of one monthCactuspetesresortcasinoThe 2024 Shanghai Information consumption Festival kicked off.

As a characteristic activity of the "May five Shopping Festival", the Shanghai Information consumption Festival has been held for four consecutive years, and last year's Information consumption Festival finally stimulated consumption of 40 billion yuan.

The "implementation Plan for promoting the upgrading and expansion of Service consumption in this City" previously issued by Shanghai proposed targeted measures in 12 areas, including information service consumption. In recent years, Shanghai has successively introduced policy programs such as meta-universe, big model and online new economy to promote the rapid growth of information service consumption. During the 14th five-year Plan period, retail sales in the field of information services in Shanghai basically maintained double-digit growth, ranking among the top three among the major provinces and cities in the country.

Among them, short videos, artificial intelligence large model assistants, live shopping and other information consumption products, bring new experience for residents. New models of information consumption, such as the recommendation economy headed by Xiao Hongshu and the on-screen economy headed by bilibili, have become high-quality soil for the innovation of new business models.

This information consumption festival focuses on cutting-edge technology and the transformation of innovative achievements, and will hold key activities such as industrial ecological bazaar, high-end dialogue in the industry, live broadcast promotion of cloud products, interactive experience in business circles, universal welfare of brands, national e-sports competition and other key activities. participating enterprises include Bailian Group, Little Red Book, pinduoduo, Meituan, acquired things, Love Recycling and so on.

Shanghai will invite star e-sports players to join forces online and offline to participate in activities such as live streaming with goods, Chaoku e-commerce competition and black technology competition around e-sports 's economic theme. the total number of participants is expected to reach more than 1000.

Tian Mu, vice president of Wanwusheng Group, said that during the consumption festival, Love Recycling will vigorously promote carbon reduction life guidelines, give full play to the supply chain capacity of circular economy, and expand more categories and scenarios of recycling and trade-in. Zhu Zheng, senior director of public affairs of Meituan, said that Meituan will step up efforts to explore the construction of a low-altitude logistics network in Shanghai, and constantly enrich the application in parks, universities, medical care and other scenarios.

Shanghai is continuing to promote the construction of major application scenarios of meta-cosmos. The "2023 yuan white paper on cosmic science and technology to reduce costs and increase efficiency" released by the forum shows that meta-cosmos has achieved obvious quantitative results in reducing costs and increasing efficiency for enterprises, with a maximum improvement of nearly 500% in operational efficiency.

In October last year, facing the four major fields of industry, culture, tourism, education and medical care, Shanghai launched the second batch of meta-cosmic major application scenarios. A total of 218 declared scenarios and 338 intentions were received, with a total investment scale of 4.CactuspetesresortcasinoThe listed companies include three major operators, Ant Group, Shangtang, Siemens and so on.

At the scene of the opening ceremony, 10 second meta-cosmic application scenarios, such as low-carbon safe meta-universe factory platform, medical digital human core application, "one river, one river" and so on, were signed.

For example, the meta-universe experience center of "Waterfront Renaissance Keyuan Universe" created by Yangpu Binjiang is divided into online virtual space and offline experience space, which integrates tourists' interactive experience, commercial operation, daily office and other functions. In the future, it will be linked with Orange Lion Gymnasium, Woxue Ski Resort and other stadiums, and the weekly passenger flow will reach thousands. After the overall operation of the experience Center in October 2025, it is estimated that the annual revenue will exceed 100 million yuan.

cactuspetesresortcasino| In addition to planting grass, bullet screens, and live broadcasts, where is the next new growth point for information consumption?

In order to innovate the scene of information consumption and unleash the potential of information consumption, in April this year, Shanghai issued the "implementation Plan for promoting the Digital Intelligence of Industrial Enterprises in this City". By promoting the application of "small, fast and accurate" digital products, matching supply and demand upstream and downstream of the industrial chain and other measures to help enterprises open up sales and expand the market.

As of May 17, Shanghai has promoted 11 docking meetings between industrial enterprises and platform companies in various districts, with more than 3000 enterprises docking their intentions and more than 1000 enterprises reaching cooperation intentions. According to the above plan, by the end of this year, Shanghai will strive to promote 9500 regulated enterprises, 1000 regulated sample enterprises, and about 40, 000 regulated industrial enterprises to transfer their intelligence to online connection, so as to upgrade the industry's energy level for digital intelligence development.

The interface news learned from the scene of the opening ceremony that in the next step, Shanghai will promote the development of information consumer products, guide enterprises to increase R & D investment in 5G, XR and other fields, and create fusion demonstration scenes such as artificial intelligence models, metaspheres and block chains. At the same time, support excellent information consumer products to go out to sea, support enterprises to open up the international market, and launch online game information service platform, cross-border e-commerce service platform, midfield video platform and so on.


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