scratchdoors| Tencent Jiang Jie: Tencent's internal application scenarios include more than 600 WeChat reading and Tencent customer service access

Date: 4个月前 (05-17)View: 57Comments: 0

Securities Times e Company News, Tencent's Mixed Energy Model has been tested in more than 600 Tencent's internal businesses and scenarios. On May 17, 2024, Jiang Jie, Vice President of Tencent Group, said at the Tencent Cloud Generative AI Industry Application Summit.

scratchdoors| Tencent Jiang Jie: Tencent's internal application scenarios include more than 600 WeChat reading and Tencent customer service access

In May, WeChat Reading launched new functions such as AI Book Questions and AI Outline based on the Mixed Origin Model, greatly improving users.scratchdoorsReading efficiency and experience. Tencent's customer service team upgraded its intelligent customer service system based on the Mixed Origin Model and created a vertical domain fine tuning model for intelligent customer service, which greatly improved the accuracy of intention understanding of intelligent conversations and the fluency of multiple rounds of question and answer. Compared with the traditional small model, the accuracy of the following has increased by 38%.

Tencent Advertising has launched a one-stop AI advertising creative platform-Tencent Advertising Miaosi based on Hunyuan to help improve advertising production and delivery efficiency. Among them, the average click-through rate of graphic images has increased by 15%.


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