cointelegraphgamefi| Ali auction laid-off female employee complains of workplace bullying? The party concerned has reported to the police: she is the bully and sexual harassment is purely suspected of fraud

Date: 5个月前 (04-21)View: 51Comments: 0

Source: Chongqing Morning Post

The employees of Ali suffered "workplace bullying" before the auction, which continued to ferment, but soon appeared.CointelegraphgamefiDifferent voices.

On April 15, Lan you (Hong Lanlan), a former employee of Ali auction, posted a long message online that he had suffered "subordinate backstab", "boss workplace sexual harassment", "physical bullying and verbal bullying". Three days later, Lingcan moments, a subordinate mentioned by Changwen, also sent a long message saying, "I was bullied by her in the workplace." Alibaba's official Weibo auction also responded that Lan you had been reported by subordinates about conflicts of interest and rough management. After investigation, it was true and changed its management position. Later, he violated the company discipline and refused to return to the company to explain the situation, and the company terminated the labor contract with him on April 11, 2024.

cointelegraphgamefi| Ali auction laid-off female employee complains of workplace bullying? The party concerned has reported to the police: she is the bully and sexual harassment is purely suspected of fraud

Recently, Hong Lanlan Changwen mentioned the former subordinate Lingcan and the former boss Shuikuo, accepted an interview with the reporter. Lingcan said she was bullied by Hong Lanlan for a long time because of her normal love and marriage with her team colleagues, while Shuikuo said the so-called sexual harassment was a false accusation. The reporter learned that at presentCointelegraphgamefiAll of them have reported to the local police station and filed a complaint with the court.

Accused of workplace bullying by a laid-off female employee?

Hong Lanlan, a former head of Alibaba's auction-asset real estate business, wrote on social media on April 15 that he had experienced five years of unfair treatment since he joined the job on December 10, 2018. The complaints include "subordinate backstab", "workplace sexual harassment", "physical bullying and verbal bullying", and so on. In the article, Hong Lanlan also said that she "suffered from severe depression and bipolar disorder due to long-term depression and anxiety."

On April 18, Lingcan responded, "she was not bullied in the workplace, but as her subordinate, I was bullied by her in the workplace." She also said in the open letter that Hong Lanlan had rough management, bullied subordinates, and that seven or eight colleagues in the team had been transferred or resigned by her bullying. In addition, she also exposed that Hong Lanlan suppressed colleagues in the team who were normally in love, framed colleagues in another department, so that they could not work normally; ignored company inquiries and asked for sick leave to travel abroad after being reported.

Ali responded on Weibo on the day of the auction that Hong Lanlan had been reported by subordinates about conflicts of interest and rough management. After investigation, she found that the report was true and adjusted her management position. After that, he violated the company discipline and refused to return to the company to explain the situation, and the company terminated the labor contract with him on April 11.

Linggang: how did the perpetrator become the victim?

In an interview with the reporter, Lingcan restored the whole story. After Hong Lanlan reported to Hong Lanlan that he was in love with his colleagues and was ready to get married, Hong Lanlan said they were "messing around", "except that they couldn't find a partner with each other." After that, he crossed out Linglin's subordinates and took those people to dinner so that they could persuade them to break up.

There are two scenes, Lingcong is very angry when she thinks of it.

On December 13, Hong Lanlan suddenly announced in the group that she would readjust her seat and put Linglan and Iron shoulder together, and the private letter deliberately disgusted Linglang: "isn't it kind to put you all together?"

On December 25, at the team meeting, Hong Lanlan scolded Linglan directly, stood up and patted the table, but also went around the table and was pulled away by the team classmates, "frightening everyone present."

That night, Lingcan decided not to put up with it any longer and reported Hong Lanlan to the company under her real name on January 5.

According to Linglan, since then, Hong Lanlan began to isolate her: re-pull the team to isolate her, meetings and group chats all ruled her out, and business approval was stuck. She also asked people to talk to some colleagues one-on-one, and said in the group that whoever went in and out with them was an "accomplice or accomplice."

"how did the perpetrator become the victim? In those days, I had nightmares every night in which Hong Lanlan scolded me. " Lingcong said.

Shuiguo: I didn't know until now that she complained against me.

"she was my subordinate for about four years. To be fair, I worked very hard, but my personality was so manic that it was difficult to explain to her. " Shuiguo told the reporter.

Shuikuo knows the character of this subordinate, he can put up with it, but there will be problems with cross-team projects. He said that during the "double 11" last year, Hong Lanlan served as PM of a certain project, "resulting in a quarrel with project members," which seriously affected the progress of work; Shuang 12 decided not to let her serve as PM.

Later, Hong Lanlan set up his own project team and refused to communicate with his boss, Shuikuo. During this period, Shuikuo was called by the company to inquire, saying that he had been complained of sexual harassment. However, because the whistleblower did not provide evidence, the company did not tell Shuikuo who the whistleblower was.

"I didn't know until now that she complained about me until I saw Hong Lanlan's' little composition'a few days ago." Shuikuo said, "but she never provided any evidence, it was a false accusation." Before and after contact, Shuikuo thought that Hong Lanlan wanted to adjust the reporting relationship for himself through the business contradiction between the two people, and later because he suspected that Shuikuo encouraged Lingconn to report her, he listed Shuikuo as the main target of naming and accusation.

Shuikuo said that after the incident was fermented by "mini-essays" and media reports, his life and his family were hurt. "the red and black of this society should not talk to themselves, and the problems of the law should be solved by the law," he decided to sue Hong Lanlan and related media.

New Chongqing-Chongqing Morning Post reporter Wang Zun


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